Chinese Taxpayers Association


澳大利亚纳税人联盟信息资料新南威尔士州预算案的影响The NSW budgetechoes the mistakes of the federal and Victorian budgets with reckless spendingand unnecessary deficits for years into the future.新南威尔士州的预算案与联邦预算案、维多利亚州预算案的问题...

来自澳大利亚纳税人联盟的信息资料澳大利亚纳税人联盟指出退休金因附加税减少25% TheAustralian Taxpayers’ Alliance (ATA), the nation’s largest grassroots advocacygroup representing taxpayers today published a policy briefing on thesupera...

企业境外档案安全管理研讨会在京举行北京经济技术开发区企业协会 昨天1921--2021庆祝中国共产党成立100周年系列活动企业境外档案安全管理研讨会在京举行      日前,国际档案周活动拉开帷幕,为落实国家“两区建设”政策,鼓励企业优质高精尖“走出去”打造国际化,与此同时保护好企业在境外的核心数字资产和战略资源的安全,保持企业境外的核心竞争力,提高企业境外档案管理水平。2021年6月10日...

来自世界纳税人协会的信息资料全国纳税人联合会对拜登的税收计划表示担忧TheNational Taxpayers Union released “13 Reasons Why Biden’s American Jobs Plan Isa Bad Deal for Taxpayers”. 全国纳税人联合会发布了“拜登的美国就业计划不利于纳税人的13个理由”。NTUwarns taxpayers ...

来自世界纳税人协会的信息资料   阿什利·丘奇被任命为新西兰纳税人联合会主席Another warmwelcome to Ashley Church, the new Chairman of New Zealand’s Taxpayers Union.Ashley is the former CEO of the Property Institute of New Zealand, theN...

DearWTA members, observers and friends:尊敬的世界纳税人协会的会员、观察员和朋友们: Muchlike everyone, here at the WTA we’ve pivoted from inperson gatherings tomeeting online for the time being. In 2021 we’ve held two s...

来自世界纳税人协会的信息资料 亚历山大·佩西被任命为法国纳税人协会主席    Afterserving on the board of Contribuables Associes (the French TaxpayersAssociation) for more than 12 years, Alexandre Pesey has taken on the role ofPresiden...

Upcoming AtlasNetwork Events:阿特拉斯近期网络会议: Africa LibertyForum 2021June 21 (10:00a.m. – 4:15 p.m. UTC +2) & June 22 (10:00 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. UTC +2), 2021非洲自由论坛20212021年6月21日(上午10点-下午4:15,世界标准时间+2)&6月...

来自新西兰纳税人联合会的信息资料政府新政赢得赞誉 Afew journalists were surprised this week to see us commending a governmentpolicy: Chris Hipkins is freezing pay for high-earning public servants.本周,一些记者惊讶地发现,我们在称赞政府的新政:克里...

来自澳大利亚纳税人联盟的信息资料澳大利亚纳税人联盟支持标准所得税扣除 TheAustralian Taxpayers’ Alliance, the nation’s largest grassroots advocacy grouprepresenting taxpayers, came out in support of a standard tax deduction asoutline...

来自美国税收基金会的信息资料 税收基金会发现拜登的税收计划提高了生产税According to the Tax Foundation the American Jobs Plan (Biden infrastructureplan) would raise taxes on corporations in several ways: 根据美国税收基金会的消息,美国就业计划(拜登的基建计划)将...

来自英国纳税人联盟的信息资料 英国市政厅富豪榜The TaxPayers’Alliance (TPA) released the fourteenth Town Hall Rich List, the onlycomprehensive l...

来自美国税制改革组织的信息资料匈牙利抨击拜登的全球最低税收计划HungaryAttacks Biden's Global Minimum Tax Plans  TheBiden administration is pushing for a...

来自澳大利亚纳税人联盟的信息资料研究报告发现政府拿走了我们50%以上的收入TheLiberal Democratic Party, Australia’s only registered libertarian politicalparty...

来自新西兰纳税人联盟的信息资料 亚马逊令纳税人别无选择 Lastweek it was revealed that taxpayers are pitching in $162 million for Amazon,one of the w...

来自产权联盟的信息资料加拿大毒塑料禁令是严重的贸易壁垒Despite committing to use ariskbased approach to chemical regulation in the USMCA, Canada has...

来自加拿大纳税人联合会的信息资料 蒙特利尔负担不起十亿美元的公园MONTRÉAL,QC –The Canadian Taxpayers Federation criticized the Plante-Doraisadministratio...

来自美国税制改革组织的信息资料工人将为拜登大幅上调企业税买单PresidentJoe Biden has proposed at least $2 trillion in tax increases as part of his newsp...

来自美国税收基金会的信息资料欧洲经合组织国家的数字服务税进展Over the last few years, concerns have been raisedthat the existing international tax syst...

来自美国税制改革组织的信息资料佛罗里达纳税人在互联网销售税法案修订中收获颇丰Americansfor Tax Reform President Grover Norquist offered the following statement ...