来自新西兰纳税人联合会的信息资料 新西兰储备银行斥资近40万美元买下森林之神艺术品6
来源:来自新西兰纳税人联合会的信息资料 来自新西兰纳税人联合会的信息资料 新西兰储备银行斥资近40万美元买下森林之神艺术品
The Reserve Bankspent $373,739 on artwork in its lobby promoting its new 'Tāne Mahuta'narrative, reveals an official information response released to the New ZealandTaxpayers' Union. 据国家储备银行(Reserve Bank)对新西兰纳税人联合会(New Zealand Taxpayers' Union) 发布的官方回应信息显示,该行斥资373,739美元买下装饰办公大厅的艺术品,宣传新的“森林之神”(Tāne Mahuta)故事。
The centerpiece ofthe artwork is a massive swamp kauri sculpture of Tāne Mahuta, the Māori god ofthe forest. 该艺术品中央是一个毛利森林之神巨型沼泽贝壳杉的木雕。
The artwork alsoincludes (in the Bank's words): 该艺术品包括(借用银行的描述):
• three pou (pillars) representing Te Ngahere (the Forest Tāne) • mosaic floor tiles running the length of the lobby representing NgāPūtake (the roots of Tāne Mahuta), and • aresdesigned reception desk area representing a waka hourua (a double-hulledcanoe) • 三根柱子象征着森林之神 • 横跨大厅的马赛克地砖象征着森林之神的根 • 重新设计的接待区象征着一叶双壳独木舟
The Bank justifiesthe spending by saying, "As the lobby had not been refurbished in morethan 13 years, we took the opportunity to redesign it to reflect our strategicdirection and incorporate out Tāne Mahuta narrative as its framework. Thisenabled the Reserve Bank to further communicate its commitment to our Te AoMāori strategy and visually reinforce this narrative to our staff and visitorsto the building." 银行方面对这笔支出的解释是,“大厅十三年来一直没有翻新过,所以我们利用这个机会重新设计,并以森林之神的故事为框架,反映我们的战略方向。储备银行希望借此进一步传达其对毛利人世界观(Te Ao Māori)战略的承诺,并从视觉上向我们的员工和来访者强化这一理念。”
Clearly, theReserve Bank has let its money-printing powers go to its head. 显然,储备银行已被印刷钱币的权利冲昏了头脑。
We entrust theReserve Bank to maintain the stability and security of our money supply. Thisrequires hard-headed, rational leadership. But under the leadership of AdrianOrr, the Bank has become distracted with its own fluffy, feel-good marketingand internal "narrative". This is bureaucratic navel-gazing at itsmost absurd. 我们委托储备银行维护我国货币供应的稳定和安全,这需要冷静、理性的领导。但是,在阿德里安·奥尔(Adrian Orr)的领导下,储备银行却变得不务正业,忙于自身形象、自我感觉良好的营销和内部“讲故事”。这是最荒唐的官僚主义纸上谈兵。
This was part of awider refurbishment of the lobby, the total cost of which was $1.2 million,reports the Herald. 据《先驱报》报道,这只是大厅翻新工程的一部分,整体翻新费用为120万美元。 来源:https://www.taxpayers.org.nz/news |