来源:澳大利亚纳税人联盟 来自澳大利亚纳税人联盟的信息资料 ATA says ‘no’ to new aged care levy 澳大利亚纳税人联盟向新增老年护理税说“不” The Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance, the nation’slargest grassroots advocacy group representing taxpayers, strongly opposes allnew health levys. In response to a review of aged care, the Australiangovernment is discussing taxing Australians more to fix issues in the aged caresystem. 作为国内规模最大的纳税人权益保护基层组织,澳大利亚纳税人联盟强烈反对所有新增健康税。为回应老年护理行业审查,澳大利亚政府正在讨论向百姓增税,以解决老年护理体系出现的问题。
"We can't fix abuse in aged care by simplythrowing more money at the problem,” said ATA Policy Director, Emilie Dye. “Theonly solution is more family oversight, not government oversight.” “我们不能单纯依靠增加投入来解决老年护理中的虐待问题,”澳大利亚纳税人联盟政策总监艾米丽•戴伊(Emilie Dye)说。“唯一的解决途径是加强家庭监督,而不是政府监督。”
“We shouldn't thrust our elderly ontothe government and expect the taxpayer to take care of them. Too manyAustralians abdicate responsibility to the government, and a new levy will onlymake them even more complacent." “我们不应把老人推给政府,指望纳税人照顾他们。太多澳大利亚人将责任推给政府,而开征新税只会让他们更加没有责任感。”
“The last thing aged care needs ismore government intervention. More bureaucracy doesn’t make for better care.These new and expensive policies will put further strain on aged care workerswithout helping our vulnerable elderly.” “老年护理行业最不需要的就是政府更多的干预。日益浓厚的官僚作风并不会改善护理质量。这些新增政策成本高昂,只会进一步增加老年护理人员的压力,而无法帮到我们脆弱的老人。”
"We already have 125 separate taxes inAustralia. The last thing we need is a new levy. Any lack of funding in agedcare could easily be solved by cutting government waste. If the governmentwants to make sure Australians have what they need in their old age,politicians need to stop taxing us so much while we are young." “我国已有125个单项税种。我们最不需要的就是开征新税种。老年护理经费不足可以通过削减政府不必要的开支来轻松解决。如果政府希望百姓晚年生活有保障,政治家们就不应在我们年轻时过度征税。”
“Australians of all ages arestruggling right now as a result of lockdowns. Many have lost their jobs, theirbusinesses, and their livelihoods. A new tax would threaten to further sink oureconomy and leave everyone worse off.” “受疫情封锁影响,澳大利亚全国人民都在苦苦支撑。许多人失去了工作、生意和他们赖以糊口的生计。开征新税种会让下行的经济雪上加霜,百姓的生活会更加艰难。” 来源: http://www.taxpayers.org.au/media-releases/release-ata-says-no-to-new-aged-care-levy