来源:英国纳税人联盟 来自英国纳税人联盟的信息资料: 2010年以来税制改革数据统计
Calculating the number of tax changes since2010
Since May 2010,Conservative or Conservative-led governments have implemented at least 1,651tax changes. Of these, 1,034 or (63 per cent) were tax rises.
The greatestnumber of tax changes was in 2012-13 with 189.
The greatestnumber of tax rises occurred in 2012-13 with 132. This occurred despite thebudget in 2011 purporting to implement policies which “achieve strong, sustainableand balanced growth that is more evenly shared across the country.”
The greatestnumber of tax cuts occurred in 2014-15, the last full year of the Conservative– Liberal Democrat coalition, with 83.
The only yearsince 2010 with more tax cuts than rises was 2020-21, with 78 of the 151 taxchanges being cuts.
Vehicle exciseduty was the tax with the largest number of changes over the period with 258.Of these, 248 were taxes rises.
Value added tax(VAT) had the greatest number of tax cuts since May 2010 with 130. Thisincludes the abolishment of VAT on female sanitary products in 2021. However,this is largely offset by 126 tax rises over the same period. These include VATbeing charged on mobile phones and the standard rate rising from 17.5 per centto 20 per cent.
The majority oftax changes concerned indirect taxes, such as alcohol, fuel and tobacco duties.These accounted for 1,146 or (69 per cent) of the 1,651 tax changes implementedsince May 2010.
National accounttaxes – the amount of revenue the government receives in taxes each year – haveincreased by more than £187 billion between 2009-10 and 2020-21. This is a realterms increase of £172 billion since 2010.