Chinese Taxpayers Association




State CorporateIncome Tax Rates and Brackets for 2021




Key Findings


  • Forty-four states levy a corporate     income tax. Rates range from 2.5 percent in North Carolina to 11.5 percent     in New Jersey.


  • Six states—Alaska, Illinois, Iowa,     Minnesota, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania—levy top marginal corporate income     tax rates of 9 percent or higher.


  • Ten states—Arizona, Colorado,     Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, North Dakota,     South Carolina, and Utah—have top rates at or below 5 percent.


  • Nevada, Ohio, Texas, and Washington     impose gross receipts taxes instead of corporate income taxes. Gross     receipts taxes are generally thought to be more economically harmful than     corporate income taxes.


  • South Dakota and Wyoming are the     only states that levy neither a corporate income nor gross receipts tax.


Corporateincome taxes are levied in 44 states. Though often thought of as a major taxtype, corporate income taxes accounted for an average of just 4.66 percent ofstate tax collections and 2.27 percent of state general revenue in fiscal year2018.


NewJersey levies the highest top statutory corporate tax rate at 11.5 percent,followed by Pennsylvania (9.99 percent) and Iowa and Minnesota (both at 9.8percent). Two other states (Alaska and Illinois) impose rates greater than 9percent.


Conversely,North Carolina’s flat rate of 2.5 percent is the lowest in the country,followed by rates in Missouri (4 percent) and North Dakota (4.31 percent).Seven other states impose top rates at or below 5 percent: Florida (4.458percent), Colorado (4.55 percent), Arizona (4.9 percent), Utah (4.95 percent),and Kentucky, Mississippi, and South Carolina (5 percent).


Nevada,Ohio, Texas, and Washington forgo corporate income taxes but instead impose grossreceipts taxes on businesses, which are generally thought to be moreeconomically harmful due to tax pyramiding and nontransparency. Delaware andOregon impose gross receipts taxes in addition to corporate income taxes, as doseveral states, like Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia, which permitgross receipts taxes at the local (but not state) level. South Dakota andWyoming levy neither corporate income nor gross receipts taxes.


Thirty states and the District of Columbiahave single-rate corporate tax systems. The greater propensity towardsingle-rate systems for corporate tax than individual income tax is likely because there is no meaningful “abilityto pay” concept in corporate taxation. Jeffrey Kwall, professor of law atLoyola University Chicago School of Law, notes that:

30个州和哥伦比亚特区实施单一税率的企业税制。与个人所得税相比,单一税率更适用于企业税,或许因为在企业税中“支付能力”这一概念毫无意义。芝加哥洛约拉大学法学院的法学教授杰弗里·克沃尔(Jeffrey Kwall)指出:

Graduated corporaterates are inequitable—that is, the size of a corporation bears no necessaryrelation to the income levels of the owners. Indeed, low-income corporationsmay be owned by individuals with high incomes, and high-income corporations maybe owned by individuals with low incomes.


A single-rate system minimizes the incentivefor firms to engage in economically wastefultax planning to mitigate the damage of higher marginal tax rates that some states levy as taxable income rises.


